Pyanopsia: Festival of Apollo is a free social event that invites UQ students to see the RD Milns Antiquities Museum in a different light. Join us after dark for an evening of costumes, pizza, and drinks (non-alcoholic) to celebrate the festivities Theseus established in honour of Apollo, before he set off to slay the Minotaur. 

Attendees will be treated to a talk on Apollo by postgraduate student and resident expert, Oskar Fletcher, and an exclusive self-guided tour of the Museum's gallery exploring mythical creatures from the ancient world. Prizes are on offer for best dressed, so please come in suitable attire and get into the occasion. Perhaps you’ll be Apollo, or Ariadne, or the Minotaur itself?!

The event is presented in partnership the UQ Classics and Ancient History Society and the UQ Archaeology Society and is supported by a grant from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Student Futures team.

Registrations closed.

Oskar Fletcher is an MPhil candidate at the University of Queensland. His research examines religious iconography across the Greek world, with a focus on cults of Apollo and Zeus. He is also a Tourguide and Museum Engagement Officer at the RD Milns Antiquities Museum.


RD Milns Antiquities Museum
Level 2, Michie Building (09)
The University of Queensland, St Lucia 4072