Office Staff
Professor Alastair Blanshard
Paul Eliadis Chair of Classics and Ancient History, Director RD Milns Antiquities Museum
+61 7 334 69719
+61 7 334 69719
James Donaldson
Manager and Curator
(07) 3365 7490
(07) 3365 7490
Brianna Sands
Assistant Curator
(07) 3365 3010
(07) 3365 3010
Oskar Fletcher
Engagement Officer
Tour Guides
Tyla Cascaes
Tour Guide
Oskar Fletcher
Tour Guide
Kyla Duffy
Tour Guide
Rory McLennan
Tour Guide
Olivia Johnson
Tour Guide
Molly Hester
Student Experience Positions
The Antiquities Museum's student experience positions are funded by our community of visionary donors who help us to provide current UQ students with career-defining experiences. Give now to support student experiences at the Museum.
Museum Assistant Positions are funded by Reverend Dr Ian Grimmett and Mr George Ben Bates Fund, and the O’Connell Family Endowment
Summer Research Scholar: Queensland Friends of the Australian Archaeological Institute of Athens
Molly Hester
Museum Assistant (Database)
Georgia Lyell
Museum Assistant (Collections)
Mike Bull
Marc Hunter
Project Staff
Paige Maunder
Research Assistant (Ionian Islands)